The Elephant Man
a Play by Bernard Pomerance
The part-time Professional Acting Diploma present 'The Elephant Man' by Bernard Pomerance.
Thursday 17th December at 7.30pm
Friday 18th December at 7.30pm
Saturday 19th December at 2.00pm & 7.30pm
Tickets: £7.00 & £6.00 Cons
Venue: The Old Fire Station 285-287 Moseley Road, Highgate, Birmingham B12 0DX
The Elephant Man is based on the life of John Merrick, who lived in London during the latter part of the nineteenth century. A horribly deformed young man, who has been a freak attraction in travelling side shows, is found abandoned and helpless and is admitted for observation to Whitechapel, a prestigious London hospital.
Under the car eof a famous young doctor, who educates him and introduces him to London society, Merrick changes from a sensational object of pity to the urbane and witty favourite of the aristocracy and literati. But his belief that he can become a man like any other is a dream never to be realized.